Constraints are liberating as Ted Neward said. If you start a project without any constrains, it is…
Constraints are liberating as Ted Neward said. If you start a project without any constrains, it is…
The main purpose of architectural diagrams is to facilitate the collaboration, increase the communication, and to provide…
Last updated on December 24th, 2021 at 02:43 pmNon-functional requirements are sometimes named -ilities. Other popular terms…
Last updated on March 1st, 2023 at 11:14 pmOne of the most common mistakes I have seen…
Every architect should ask himself this question: is the architecture I am proposing necessarily complex or am…
I am an independent consultant with a long experience in Java development and architecture.
I am also interested in microservices and cloud and big data.
For the last years, I have worked for different companies including NBC (National Bank of Canada), XCellair (Startup Telecom company), WADA (World Antidoping Agency), Videotron and Telus Health.