Last updated on December 9th, 2022 at 01:58 am
Domain Storytelling is a collaborative modeling approach to capture the knowledge about a business domain and transform it into business software. This method is usually used with the Domain Driven Design (DDD).
A core value of this approach is the collaboration between business experts and technical teams by having them work together and learn from each other to create visual stories about a business domain, as illustrated in the diagram below.

(Source: )
Storytelling diagrams are the result of workshops where the storytellers (domain experts), listeners (usually technical and other teams), and a modeler, who usually also plays the role of a moderator, meet together to build “visual” business domain stories. Those diagrams need to be easy to read and therefore contain no conditions or other complex notation, as you can find, for example, in the BPMN diagrams. For each scenario, you build a different diagram.
The different collaborating teams use the same language to express and communicate the business concepts between them. This common language, usually called ubiquitous language, originates from domain experts. Even technical teams will use common “words” not only in their discussions and meetings but in their design and the code they produce.
This shared business language doesn’t concern only the nouns but also the verbs. The nouns are candidates to become your domain classes, and the verbs will be methods. Don’t feel bad about using long class and method names in your design and code as long as you use the same ubiquitous language promoted by your domain experts.
To learn more about Domain Storytelling:
Free tool to create your Storytelling diagrams: